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Business Analysis (CAPS Certificate): Libraries 101

Libraries have changed!

Once upon a time, when you went to the Library, it was filled with books, magazines and other print items.  Over the past 15 years, libraries have transformed and digital/electronic resources are now a huge part of most library collections. At Sheridan, 90% of our library collection is digital.

Today, you can "go to the Library" from virtually anywhere. All you need is access to a computer/device, an internet connection, and your Sheridan network ID and password. Many of those books and print resources from yesteryear are now accessible online through Library databases.  

Sheridan Library currently subscribes to over 250 databases. Each of these databases are a wonderful world of rich information, but they are all different.  Some databases focus in one topic or discipline, while another might be multidisciplinary. To help you find the best library resources for your course topics at Sheridan, please check out the "Library resources" tab (next tab over!) for database, e-journal, video and e-book recommendations.


Keyword Ideas

Here are some keywords you can use when searching the library databases or the catalogue. For better results, enclose phrases in quotation marks. You can also combine two or more of these words or phrases with AND or OR. 

"business analysis" "requirements elicitation" BABOK IIBA
"software testing" SDLC" "life cycle management" facilitation
"big data" "data quality" (python OR hadoop) "data lake"
"managing requirements" "traceability matrix" "stakeholder buy-in" "requirements attributes"
"business process management" "process analysis" "process improvement" "key business processes"

How to search Summon - short video

Database searching tips

  • When searching databases, use AND, OR, and parentheses (brackets) to focus your search


  • The asterisk * symbol will search for all variations of a word. For example: basket* will search for baskets, basketball and basketry


  • Using quotes will search for a phrase. For example, "adult education"


  • Combine synonyms with OR and put them inside parentheses, like this: "adult education" AND (litera* or read*)