1. Title of film, directed by, produced by, (Location: Title of Database, Original Release Year), accessed Month Day, Year, URL.
Title of film. Directed by. Produced by. Location: Title of Database, Original Release Year. Accessed Month Day, Year. URL.
Footnotes |
Bibliography |
From library database (Films on Demand,, etc) |
1. 5 Tips for Healthy Eating on the Go, directed by Meridian Education, produced by Meridian Education, (USA: Films on Demand, 2012), accessed July 13, 2016, |
5 Tips for Healthy Eating on the Go. Directed by Meridian Education. Produced by Meridian Education. USA: Films on Demand, 2012. Accessed July 13, 2016. |
From public website (YouTube, Vimeo, etc) |
2. Introduction to Sheridan's Library, YouTube video, 2:09, posted by Sheridan Library, August 14, 2012, |
Introduction to Sheridan's Library. YouTube video, 2:09. Posted by Sheridan Library, August 14, 2012. |
3. Title of Film, directed by First Name Last Name (Original Release Year; Location: Distributor/Studio, DVD Release Year), DVD. |
The Princess Bride. Directed by Rob Reiner. 1987; Santa Monica. CA: MGM Home Entertainment, 2001. DVD. |