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COMM16165: Technical Reports and Presentations: References & Citations

About Citations

Citing your sources is an important academic and professional skill. Whenever you quote, paraphrase, summarize, or copy content from someone else, you must cite your sources. By including citations, you:

 Respect the author or creator whose ideas/concepts you are using
 Show where you found your information, and prove you used credible sources
 Add credibility and support to your own argument
 Avoid Plagiarism

Typically, citations include information such as authortitledatelocation. Whenever you get information from a source, quote it, or base your ideas on another person's work, you must cite the source in an accepted citation style. 

APA Style Guide

Select on the links below to learn how to cite common sources in the APA Style:

View the entire APA Style Guide for more information.

For more information on the IEEE Referencing Style, check out: