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EDGE & Entrepreneurship: Industry & market research, suppliers

Industry & Market Research & SuppliersEDGE logo

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Suppliers & manufacturers

Also, check out industry association websites membership lists for leads to suppliers. See Find an association section on this page for more information on associations.

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What is market research? Why do it?

Market research is the collection and analysis of information on your market. This includes your competitors (sellers), your customers (buyers), the products that form your market and even the the forces that affect your market, such as the price of materials or labour. Market research may be qualitative or quantitative. It may also be primary or secondary. Conducting good market research will help you make better decisions and reduce your business risk. 

Canadian industry & market statistics

Industry reports & industry articles

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Find an association

There are associations - sometimes more than one - for almost every industry, profession and service.  Associations often conduct their own research and can be a valuable source for statistics, trends, advocacy issues, regulation information, competitors and more.  Association membership lists can provide insight into competitors.

To find an association just Google the industry name and association, for example:

Coffee Association of Canada Logo     coffee association Canada