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Art and Art History: Find Books

This guide is intended to direct students to resources that will aid in studio work as well as resources on art history.

Featured Books

Books on Drawing

Books on Performance Art

Books on Photography


Sheridan Catalogue

Search the Sheridan Library catalogue.

Search Terms

When searching the library catalogue, try the following keywords:

        Composition, art
        Drawing -- technique
        Anatomy, artistic
        Zoological illustration
        Botanical illustration
        Pastel drawing

        Painting -- technique
        Painting, Chinese
        Painting, Japanese
        Acrylic painting – technique
        Watercolor painting – technique
        Fantasy in art

        Sculpture – technique

Print Media:     
        Etching – technique
        Intaglio printing

        Design – technique
        Industrial design
        Interior decoraqtion rendering
        Architectural drawing – technique
        Communication in architectural design
        Mechanical drawing
        Design – human factors

        Photography, flash-light – technique
        Photography – lighting
        Color photography
        Photography, artistic
        Composition, photography
        Photography -- digital techniques
        Photography – processing
        Photography – technique

Performance art:   
        Performance art
        Interactive art
        Installations art

Art Education:
        Teaching art
        Art – study and teaching
        Creative activities
        Creative ability  

Reference Books

Books on Art Education

Books on Art History

Books on Art Therapy
