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This subject guide compiles resources related to journalism and research for students and faculty in the Journalism and Journalism New Media Programs.

Press Releases

Research Sites (Great for Raw Data)

International Newspaper and Magazine Sources

Evaluating Websites

Not all web sites are created equal...

Anyone can make a webpage. For academic purposes, it is important to always consider the following when using the web as part of your research:

Authority - who made the page? Is he/she an expert in the knowledge that is being presented?

Appropriateness - is the information appropriate for your assignment/research? Consider things like language, age level.

Currency - how old is the page? Is the information itself current? When was the page last updated?

Objectivity - is there a bias to the point of view of the page? Is it hidden or overt?

Purpose - what is the purpose of the site? Does it inform, sell, persuade an opinion?

Dalhousie University has an excellent resource to help you evaluate your web resources.

Other Sites of Interest