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ATHL 10000 - Introduction to Athletic Therapy: Research Tips

Research Tips

Your research assignments require you to thoroughly find and investigate scholarly sources in order to learn about sport rules/regulations related to injury management, and understand common injuries associated with specific sports. Use this page to learn how Boolean Operators broaden and narrow the scope of your search.

About Boolean Operators

Improve Searches

Boolean Operators (AND, OR, and NOT) can help you retrieve relevant results quickly. Consider using them in library databases as well as search engines like Google and Google Scholar. Here's a brief summary on how to use them:

AND - The database will find sources that have both keywords within the results.

  • Brainstorm all the important words related to your topic, and then combine terms with the AND operator.

Baseball AND Injury


OR - The database will locate either keyword in sources.

  • Ask yourself, what other words might someone else use to describe my topic, or a topic similar to mine? Combine synonyms and related concepts with the OR operator.

Baseball AND Sprain OR Strain

NOT - The database will remove sources with specific terms.

  • Use this operator (sparingly) when a keyword or concept appears in your search that's irrelevant to your topic.

Baseball NOT Cricket