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Portfolios Guide

  • Home page / About Me

    Consider the site’s home page as your “about me” introduction, (three to five lines in length), explaining who you are and the purpose of your portfolio. This page could also include your career goal and why you are passionate about the field.

  • Visuals

    Be sure to have a visual on your home page, as well as each additional page.  For your home page you could use a picture of yourself or a picture that represents your career. Pictures or graphics should complement your content.

  • Font

    When choosing a font for your title page be sure it is one that is easy to read.  Choose your fonts and portfolio graphic design style carefully, as it is recommended you use the same font and style throughout your portfolio. A san serif font is recommended as it’s easy to read and is commonly used on websites.

Additional Content Pages

  • Academic Projects with a visual and short summary description
  • Work Samples this could be from co-op, internships, practicums. Field placements
  • Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular any additional learning experiences are considered assists by employers
  • Resume in case someone found your content from a place other than your resume
  • Contact Me page include an email address and direct link to your LinkedIn page