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COMM13729: Art of Technical Communications

Developing Research Topics

Research Questions

When considering your research topic, you may begin with a general idea or problem to be solved. For example:

  • effects of climate change
  • mental health issues 
  • labour shortage

This is a great starting point to identify the general area of your topic, but it is important to develop a research question to better define the scope of your research. Ask yourself, "what do I want to know more about my topic?" Create a concept map of related concepts and sub-topics to explore different areas you can focus on. Frame your topic as open-ended research questions using the related concepts and sub-topics.

Example: labour shortage
Related concepts include: skilled trades, Canada or Ontario, effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Research question: how did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the skilled trades job market in Ontario?

Example: mental health issues
Related concepts include: teenagers, social media
Research question: how has the use of social media impacted mental health issues for teenagers? 

Identify Keywords

Once you have created a research question and identified your main concepts, brainstorm alternate or related keywords to help broaden or narrow your search.

Example: how has the use of social media impacted mental health issues for teenagers?
Concept 1: social media - TikTok, Instagram, Twitter
Concept 2: mental health - anxiety, depression, self-esteem
Concept 3: teenagers - youth, adolescents 

Use combinations of keywords to begin searching:
"social media" AND (anxiety OR depression) AND (teenager OR youth OR adolescent)