Nothing gets done in workplaces by just one person or department alone – it gets done by a group of people who integrate their strengths and skillsets toward a common goal. Teamwork and Collaboration involves your ability to work effectively and efficiently as part of a diverse team and show commitment to achieving common goals.
Harvard Professor Amy Edmondson uses a real-life example of a group of miners who were trapped underground and the way they became a team to save each other’s lives.
Google set out to answer what makes Google teams effective? Their research found that who is on the team matters less than how the team interacts, structures their work and views their contributions. According to their findings, there are five key dynamics that set successful teams apart including: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work and impact of work.
Read more about their findings and access tools that you can use within your teams to examine the team’s effectiveness and ways to foster psychological safety.
In this course you will learn about your own strengths and weaknesses and how to focus on self-improvement.
According to IDEO, to practice creative confidence on a team, members need to feel free to experiment. For that experimentation to translate to learning, feedback is necessary. We all know constructive critique is essential. And how we receive that feedback without letting our egos or defensiveness to get in the way of receiving valuable feedback is important.
The attached worksheet has been designed to help you better understand how you tolerate and manage conflict at work, home or with peers. By the end of this activity, you should be able to 1) communicate your tolerance for conflict; 2) describe the strategy you predominantly use to manage conflict, and 3) identify one Conflict Management Strategy to work on in the coming weeks.