Case Studies & Simulations

What are business case studies

A business case presents a real-life scenario where an company faces a challenge, dilemma or opportunity. It simulates the challenges or the opportunities faced by many companies in the real world. You, as a business student, are tasked with stepping into the role of a manager or a consultant to analyze the situation and develop solutions by applying theoretical knowledge and business concepts you have learnt in the classroom. In a short period of time, you will need to analyze the case and make your business recommendations with limited information which also reflects the real-life conditions most managers face too.

Learning with case method can help build essential business competencies, including:

  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Problem-solving Skills
  • Communications Skills
  • Teamwork Ability

Why learn with case method?

Learning with cases helps you talk through the problem and the alternatives to resolve it.

How to analyze a case study

Step 1: Review the situation

  • Read the case carefully
  • Extract relevant information and facts

Step 2: Diagnose the challenges

  • Identify specific challenges and opportunities
  • Define the overall issues

Step 3: Analyze the big picture

  • Perform in-depth analysis
  • Use your business knowledge and concepts to explore different aspects of the situation

Step 4: Determine an action cycle

  • Consider all possible options
  • Evaluate and select preferred options
  • Think about the feasibility and the action plan for your preferred option