Philosophers publish their research and theories in books, journals, and reference works (e.g. encyclopedia or dictionary). If your source does not come from a book, journal, or reference work, it is automatically not considered scholarly.
If your source comes from a book, journal or reference work, look for the following criteria to confirm that it is scholarly and philosophical:
- For Books: check that the book is published by an university or college. In some cases, a department of philosophy will be provided as the publisher.
See example book - published by Oxford University Press
- For Articles from Journals and Reference works: Look for words related to philosophy in the title (e.g. Philosophy, Ethics, Moral). Or, find the description of the journal or encyclopedia where they describe the subjects covered in the publication to check that the focus of the journal is philosophy.
See example journal article - published by Canadian Journal of Philosophy
See example encyclopedia article - published by Encyclopedia of Ethics