SOURCE: Institutional Repository

Sheridan SOURCE serves as a collaborative commons for scholarship, research, and creative activities that enriches our approach to teaching and learning, and expresses Sheridan’s values. See the SOURCE Brochure.

Let us count the ways!

  1. Collaboration

    Sharing your work encourages creative collaboration with scholars and creators around the world and here at Sheridan. Connecting within and across disciplines opens up new possibilities.

  2. Increased Visibility and Dissemination

    SOURCE leverages online search tools like Google and Google Scholar to increase the visibility and dissemination of your work, meaning increased citation counts and greater awareness of your expertise.

  3. Preservation

    SOURCE ensures digital stability by preserving your works in one place.

  4. Showcasing Sheridan

    Contributing works to SOURCE helps scholars, researchers, the creative community, and prospective students, from diverse backgrounds and locations, easily discover what makes us unique.

  5. Open Access Funding Requirements

    Sharing your work on SOURCE meets the archiving and dissemination policies mandated by Canadian and international research funding agencies. (See the Tri-Council Open Access Policy on Publications.)

Current Sheridan faculty, staff, and administration are encouraged to

  • Contribute their own research, scholarship, and creative works.
  • Contribute collaborative works such as conferences, events, speakers’ series, or similar.
  • Sponsor exemplary student work that reflects Sheridan’s commitment to excellence in teaching and learning.

Former Sheridan faculty, staff, and administration as well as alumni may also be able to contribute: contact the SOURCE Team for more information.

Contributions include, but are not limited to, the following works of research, scholarship, and creative activities:

  • Journal articles
  • Working papers
  • Creative works (e.g., artworks, photography, music, recorded performances, videos)
  • Primary research collections (e.g., oral histories, images, field notes, data sets)
  • Working papers, technical reports, research reports
  • Books, book chapters
  • Lectures and speeches presented by Sheridan faculty or staff; or by presenters invited by Sheridan faculty or staff
  • Conference presentations and proceedings (e.g., papers, presentation slides, posters, presentation recordings)
  • Student work assessed as exemplary and sponsored by the originating faculty.

The SOURCE Team curates items only for relevance to the scope and purpose of the repository, contributor’s affiliation with Sheridan, supported formats, and copyright considerations. The SOURCE Team does not edit, fact-check, or advise on content.

Contributing to SOURCE is easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Submit your own material to or contact us for more details about what you might want to include. For students, contact your professor for sponsorship, and they can submit your work on your behalf.
  2. Maintain all of the copyright and rights to your work when you sign the SOURCE publishing agreement.
  3. Set up an account at to see where in the world your work is being read and shared.

The SOURCE Team will do the rest!

See the Contributor FAQ for a full list of loan periods.

Contact Us

To submit material for consideration in SOURCE, or to discuss the SOURCE service, please contact: