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Understanding Research Methods: Qualitative Methods

This guide provides a quick overview of research methods and strategies for finding more information on topics related to research methods

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is "a term used to describe an approach to research that stresses ‘quality’ not ‘quantity’, that is, social meanings rather than the collection of numerate statistical data. For example, qualitative research might explore how an individual who voted for the Green Party in the United Kingdom sees themselves as a member of a minority party dealing with environmental issues rather than, say, exploring overall voting trends over time for the Green Party and other minority parties within Britain's two-party system." [Learn more]

- The A-Z of Social Research, from Credo Reference

SAGE Little Blue Books

SAGE publishes a series of short, concise books on qualitative research methods, called Little Blue Books. Some of the titles included on SAGE Research Methods are:

The Life Story Interview  Discourse analysis  Exploratory research in the social sciences  Case Study Methods

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