Author's surname First initial Middle initial. Title of Book Italicized. City, Abbreviated Place of Publication: Publisher; Year.
General book If the reference is for an entire book, the chapter and inclusive page numbers are not needed
1Cheung SS. Advanced Environmental Exercise Physiology. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2010. |
Book edition |
2Starkey C. Athletic Training and Sports Medicine: An Integrated Approach. 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2013. |
Book chapter, where chapter author is different from book editor For editors, you can also note the consulting editor, translator-editor, etc.
3Whiteley JA, Winett RA. Gender and fitness: enhancing women's health through principled exercise training. In: Eisler RM, Hersen, M, eds. Handbook of Gender, Culture, and Health. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum associates, Inc.; 2000:343-373. |
Book in a series |
4Miller MG, Berry DC. Emergency Response Management for Athletic Trainers. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincotte Williams & Wilkins; 2011. LLW's Athletic Training Education Series. |
General eBook |
5Shepherd J. 101 Youth Athletic Drills. London, GB: A & C Black; 2009. Accessed July 8, 2016. |