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Copyright and Game Design: © Guidelines for Students

Copyright Guidelines for Game Design

Please contact if you have a copyright question related to the material you want to use.

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Does the work include any third-party materials (e.g. music and image) that are copied from somewhere else (not created by you)?

    If yes, did you obtain them from any of these sources? 


Material in the public domain or under a copyright friendly licence (e.g. Creative Commons or GNU GPL) from sites such as CCMixter and OpenGameArt. Be sure to check the licence terms to see if there are any restrictions that would prevent your use. 
2) Sheridan’s Sound Effects and Music Library
3) Licensed material from sources such as SoundstripeMixamo and Unity that you either have legitimate access to or paid for the rights to use in your work. Be sure to check the licence to ensure your use is permitted. 
  4) Material that you obtained permission from the rights holder to use in your work 
5) Other (e.g. found through a Google search or a library database with the exception of Sound Effects)


If yes to #5, you would need to obtaining permission from the rights holder or find an alternative material that you can use and include in your work. Depending on the purpose and context, fair dealing or another user exception in the Canadian Copyright Act may apply and permit your use but there are issues to consider. Please contact the Copyright Coordinator if you need more information on requesting permission or user exceptions.

Check out the selected public domain and CC licensed resources on the Copyright & Game Design Guide.

If yes to any of #1-4, you may include the material in your work. Be sure to provide attribution to the source and keep a record of any permission or licence obtained.

Academic Integrity and Attribution

Be sure to cite your sources!

Cite any works you use in your assignment in order to show respect to other creators, demonstrate academic integrity and avoid plagiarism. Ask your professor which citation format is required.

Check out the Cite Your Sources Guide on APA, MLA or another citation format!

Ask your professor before re-submitting a work that you created for another assignment

You may be in breach of Sheridan's Academic Integrity Policy if you re-submit a work that you created for another assignment or course without your professor’s authorization. If resubmission is approved by your professor, cite your own work.

For more information, visit: