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PSB Job Search Guide: Networking


Social media

Why & how to network

Networking is an extremely effective approach to a successful job search and will require some strategizing.  Networking with others or connecting with employers directly could give you access to exclusive job opportunities. 

You can locate potential employers through websites, social media platforms, association websites and events. Try also the library's Scott's Canadian Business Directory.

TIPS: Compile a list of companies using Scott's Canadian Business Directory.

 In addition to employers, it is important to be active within the art and design communities by joining appropriate associations and attending professional development opportunities. 


In addition to employers, it is important to be active within your industry's community by joining appropriate associations and attending professional development opportunities. Associations are like clubs for specific industries or occupations.  Association members (and sometimes the general public) have access to current information regarding industry specific events, trends, and often - job opportunities.  

See associations for specific industries and occupations below.

Business Associations