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Social and Community Development

Find Sources

Welcome HBSCD Students!

You can access a range of resources on this guide related to the Honours Bachelor of Social and Community Development program. If you don't know where to start, try searching the recommended databases for sources like books, article, and videos. Check out the Research Help page to learn how to build database searches and the Citation Help page for APA Style support.

Plan Your Research

Video by Sheridan Library.

Review these online guides to discover how to create research questions, search subject-specific databases, and select high-quality sources:

Selected Databases

Search this database list for resources like encyclopedias, videos, and electronic journals:

Selected Databases

Journal Spotlight

A select list of journals for the HBSCD program are highlighted below. Refer to the eJournal Portal to browse these publications, as well as many others, by title, keyword, and topic.

LinkedIn Learning Tutorials

LinkedIn Learning is an online training database containing access to thousands of high-quality instructional videos on a broad range of topics in the areas of computer software, business skills, programming, etc. Here are a few selected video and course titles:

Community Service Directories

Finding good quality sources is an important skill to learn and develop throughout your studies. Ensure that you choose the best sources for your assignments, by reviewing Sheridan Library's Evaluating Websites guide. Consider browsing community service databases to find web sources: