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Open Access Publishing

Making your work OA

There are two ways for researchers to make their articles open access and, if required, comply with the OA policy of a funding agency:


Self-Archiving for Free (Green OA)

Pay to Publish (Gold OA)


Many journals provide the option to self-archive in a repository but you should check the OA policy of the journal you're publishing in.

There are many OA journals available across different disciplines.

How To

Submit the article to an institutional repository like Sheridan's SOURCE or a subject repository

Check with the journal on the process

Version Permitted

Pre-print (accepted manuscript prior to peer-review) or post-print version (revised manuscript after peer-review), depending on the journal

Published version

Embargo Period

Usually there is an embargo period and it can vary between 6 to 24 months

OA available upon publication



Article Processing Charge

For more information on paying to publish OA, please refer to: 

OA Publishing in SOURCE

SOURCE, Sheridan's institutional repository, is available for faculty that are interested in self-archiving their publications for free. There are some advantages to using SOURCE: 

  • SOURCE staff can help faculty check whether a journal allows self-archiving and if available, which version is permitted
  • Faculty can track exposure and downloading statistics for their articles in SOURCE 
  • Faculty can retain their copyright (unless it has been transferred to a publisher ) while increasing discovery of their work on the Internet 
  • If open access is required by a funding agency, SOURCE can help faculty satisfy this requirement while meeting the conditions in their publishing contracts. 

Please visit the SOURCE website for more information or contact to get started on self-archiving your work!