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Mechanical Engineering: Research Tips & Literature Reviews

This guide provides a starting point for library research and access to the key resources available through Sheridan Library relevant to Mechanical Engineering.

Academic Research

Academic research requires a thorough investigation into the body of literature that has been published – and sometimes even unpublished – about a given topic. You must examine and refer to scholarly sources when completing academic assignments (unless otherwise indicated by your instructor).  Referring to scholarly sources will:

-    Add depth to your understanding.
-    Strengthen your argument.
-    Reduce bias and misconceptions.

START FIRST with the library website.  Library resources are built around your program, are screened and verified for credibility, provide targeted results using advanced search, are copyright licensed and freely available to the Sheridan community for most educational purposes.

This tutorial will cover:

  1. Defining your topic
  2. Using Library Resources
  3. Using Websites
  4. Improving your Search
  5. Writing Essays
  6. Citing your Sources

Literature Reviews

A literature review summarizes existing scholarly research on a topic from peer-reviewed articles, books, dissertations, and other sources. The reviewer searches for important research in a particular area of study, and then recaps their key findings in the article. It’s important to note that a literature review doesn’t simply describe what academic sources say on the topic.

Literature Review FAQs

Follow this FAQ Guide to learn about:

  • How a literature review is organized
  • Different types of literature reviews
  • Keeping track of your sources