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Social Service Worker - Gerontology

Find Sources

Welcome Gerontology Students!

You can access a range of sources related to gerontology on this guide. If you don't know where to start, try searching the recommended databases for sources like books, articles, and videos. Check out the Research Help page to learn how to build database searches as well as the Citation Help page for APA Style support.

Print Books

Books are available in print as well as digital format through a number of databases. You can find titles by searching Page 1+ or browsing shelf sections at your campus library:

  • BF712-724.85 - Developmental psychology. Including psychology of aging.
  • HQ1060-1064 - Aged. Gerontology (Social Aspects). Retirement.
  • HV1450-1494 - Aged.
  • R726.5-726.8 - Medicine and disease in relation to psychology. Terminal care. Dying.
  • RA690-1000 - Medical centres. Hospitals. Including nursing homes.

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Find Statistics

Statistics and other datasets can be a challenge to find, but there are databases and web sources that retain this type of information. For example, demographics in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) can be found on Statistics Canada and municipal websites: City of Toronto, City of Mississauga, City of Brampton, Town of Oakville, Halton Region.


More Resources:

Selected Databases

Search this database list for resources like encyclopedias, videos, and electronic journals:

Reference sources like dictionaries and encyclopedias can help you research because they provide a baseline understanding of concepts. Check out this collections for resources:

Journal Spotlight


Finding good quality sources is an important skill to learn and develop throughout your studies at Sheridan College. Ensure that you choose the best sources for your assignments by reviewing Sheridan Library's Evaluating Websites guide. For example, browse the website of organizations and associations to find current information related to your field of study: