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Group Work

Get Help


Contact Christine Moffatt (Academic Initiatives Librarian) if you have questions about this module or you need extra support with this topic.

Additional Course & Topic Support

If you're having trouble with your course work or if you're feeling overwhelmed in your program, you're not alone. Check out these resources to help you get back on track!

  • Talk to your professor—they want you to succeed! Check your course syllabus to learn how to contact your professor outside of class time. You could
    • Book a one-on-one session to talk about your progress,
    • Book a group session to talk about a shared project, or
    • E-mail them for quick questions about assignments or course content.
  • The Tutoring Centre: Book a free appointment on TutorOcean and get extra help with your course work.
  • Library Services: Find study spaces and get help with research and citation questions.
  • Student Advisement: Create an educational plan and navigate changes to your program..
  • Academic Skills Hub: Learn other tips and tricks on topics like Time Management, Studying and Testing Taking, and more!
  • Are your registered with Accessible Learning? You might benefit from a meeting with a Learning Strategist.
  • Academic Integrity Office: Check here for more information on Academic Integrity.

Student Services

You might have other challenges in your life that are affecting your success in the classroom. Check out these resources to get additional help!