LEAP is a self-audit tool that allows library staff at participating institutions to evaluate the accessibility of library eresources. LEAP also contains a growing repository of accessibility assessment reports that library staff can review to help make acquisition decisions, support library users, and advocate for accessible eresources.
The primary goal of LEAP is to assist the college libraries in meeting and exceeding our legislative obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) to “provide, procure or acquire by other means” digital resources in an “accessible or conversion ready format” upon request by January 1st 2020.
Your main contact for LEAP in Library and Learning Services is library@sheridancollege.ca
LEAP will build accessibility competencies among library staff and will increase the accessibility of eresources across the sector. Library staff will be able to use the tool and assessment results to:
LEAP is a self-audit tool that allows library staff at participating institutions to evaluate the accessibility of library eresources, and provides a growing repository of accessibility assessment reports that library staff can review to help make acquisition decisions, support library users, and advocate for accessible eresources.
If an assessment has been completed for an eresource, users can view an assessment summary with a summary of the assessment results. The summary includes the overall score for that eresource, as well as a table with a summary of the results of each of the four modules.
Assessment modules run through a variety of accessibility tests including:
The LEAP tool can be accessed by visiting http://leap.ocls.ca/
You can view your own assessments as well as completed assessments done by other colleges.