Going to college is a great way to expand your knowledge, meet new people, and explore new experiences.
For some, it's a time to find their passion and purpose in life; for others, it's a chance to change directions and take a new path.
Despite the excitement, it's common to experience stress at the same time—you're juggling assignments, readings, and exam preparation for multiple classes while navigating the combined stresses of remote learning, family and work commitments, and social activities.
If you've run out of time on an assignment, or you haven't studied as much as you should have for tomorrow's test, it can be tempting to find a quick solution online. After all, if lots of other people are using a course-sharing website to get answers, it's not really cheating—right?
This module will introduce you to the rising issue of contract cheating in higher education, specifically in the forms of course-sharing and homework help websites. What might seem like a shortcut to make life easier right now can have ongoing and serious consequences for the person who cheats and for the people around them.
Contract cheating involves engaging a third party to complete part or all of your work, and then submitting the work as if you completed it yourself. This could be a friend, a family member, a private tutor, or a crowdsourced answer online—if you did not do the work, then it counts as cheating.
Contract cheating can include, but is not limited to:
Most people understand how these forms of contract cheating are wrong—you've hired someone else to complete your work for you.
But contract cheating is more complex than that. With the move to online learning and the ease of looking things up on a search engine, contract cheating also includes:
This module Introduction will help you identify the two types of contract cheating websites:
We will also discuss the immediate risks and consequences of using these sites to complete your coursework, and how to protect yourself from them.