Learning new skills can take a lot of work—it's rare to be an expert the first time you try something new.
While we all use different strategies to learn new things and have different preferences for getting information (think: books, podcasts, videos, etc.), there are some basic rules to learning.
When we learn new skills, we need to
As we saw in the module's Introduction, commercial websites like Chegg, Course Hero, One Class, StuDocu, and more are used for contract cheating (where a student pays someone else to answer homework questions, write essays, and solve their exams problems). It might seem like a quick fix to use these sites when you're stressed out or frustrated by a problem, but it can make it harder to learn new information in the future—and put you at risk for academic sanctions or legal action.
Take a couple minutes to ask yourself: What am I good at doing?
Now, ask yourself: How did I get so good at doing these things?