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Scholarship of Teaching & Learning: Publishing Your Work

Consult these resources while researching SoTL topics.

So many choices!

Choosing where to publish your research takes time and is an important step in the scholarly research process. Strategic scholarly publishing involves following a thoughtful approach to ensure you publish in an effective source in order to maximize your publishing success. Scholarly publishing has multiple benefits including contributing to scholarly discussion in your industry or field, helping raise your academic profile, increasing the visibility of your work and adding to the reputation of Sheridan. 

The primary goal of scholarly publishing is to communicate your research findings to your field, often via a journal article or conference presentation. In recent years, academics have also opted to share their work in online forums including podcasts, blog posts, and social media as these platforms have numerous benefits including more control and flexibility over research content. 

If you decide that you want to publish your research in a journal, here are things to consider as you work toward your journal shortlist:  

  •  Quality of the journal
  • Reputation of the journal
  • Reputation and credibility of the publisher
  • Relevance to your topic​


Choosing which journal to publish in should done early in the writing process. A list of titles will enable you to compare journal measures and shape your publishing choice. Three reflection questions that may help you narrow your list of journal titles are:

  1. Note the articles you used and cited in your research manuscript.  Where they are published?
  2. Where have your academic colleagues published?  Have any titles been recommended to you by a trusted colleague?
  3. Where have people in your industry or field authored? Often, association websites will feature bibliographies of influential scholarly writing in their field.  Which journals are you seeing listed? 

Tools to narrow down your journal selection

Free journal matching tools

Try using free, open-access journal matching tools. Tools developed by publishers will suggest journals drawn from their family of publications. However, the general journal selection tools listed below cover a broad range of titles across publishers. Due to their breadth, free journal selection tools may not include details about licences, whether there are article processing fees, article specifications such as length and citation formats, or the publishing process followed by the journal. Some journal selection tools may also offer fee-based services such as editorial advice and abstract development supports.


Name of tool Number of titles Scope
Research Square JournalGuide 46,000+ Broad coverage of disciplines and publishers
Elsevier Journal Finder 2200+ Business, Engineering, Health Sciences, Life Sciences and Social Sciences from Elsevier journals
Springer Journal Suggester 2500+ Multi-disciplinary journals in Springer and BioMed Central
SJFinder Journal Recommender 30,000+ Broad coverage of disciplines and publishers


Subscription-based journal selection tools

Journal Citation Reports (JCR)are often available via university libraries. JCR is a resource that may help you evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from scholarly and technical journals. JCR is both international in scope and multi-disciplinary. A report will include a quantitative “impact factor” of the journal which measures the frequency with which an article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. The calculation is based on a two-year period and involves dividing the number of times articles were cited by the number of articles that are citable. The impact factor of a journal is just one of many things you might consider when selecting a journal. There are opportunities to be published in other great journals or publication that have lower impact factors but will still get you lots of readership. Citation counts via impact factor are only one measure.

Additional websites of interest

  • Open access publishing is the practice of providing the public with unrestricted online access to scholarly journal articles.  Check out Sheridan Library’s guide to open access publishing for more information 
  • As expressions of scholarship become more diverse and scholarly research moves beyond journals and onto online forums, altmetrics are growing in importance. The University of Pittsburgh Library has created a useful guide to help you understand and explore altmetrics further