Are you stuck and uncertain about how to update your resume or get started? Would you like to increase the probability of securing an interview? Do you want to stand out among the competition? Do you want to make your resume easy for the recruiter to determine your skills and strengths for a job posting? This resource section will help you.
Your resume is a marketing document targeted toward a career goal or job posting. You are to sell yourself to the employer’s needs.The purpose of the resume is to demonstrate the skills you have for the job.
On the left column, there are specific resources to guide you in creating a header, skills summary, education, and experience section using accomplishment statements on your resume.
Watch the (10:27) video for pitfalls that students can fall into when writing a resume. Also, some great tips to make your resume stand out.
For further support and resources please visit Career and Employment Counsellors, and Coop information web pages:
This guide will provide you with resume best practices based on feedback from Canadian and Coop employers.
See more career guides: