Adding Extracurricular Activities to your resume is an excellent way to show your experience and professional skills to a job! It is optional to include and should be listed only if you feel it adds value to the job you're applying to.
Depending on the activity, you could add it to one of these areas in your resume:
1.In the Education section
- If your activity is academically-related, such as participating in the Coding Club, or the Human Resource Student Association (HRSA), or participating in a work-study.
2.In the Experience section
- If the activity is work-related, such as volunteering at the hospital if you're applying for a job within the healthcare industry.
3.In a Separate section
- Usually listed after the Education and Experience sections
- If the activity is tied to your interests, while also participating in a community, including being a member of Sheridan's sports team, working as a Summer Camp Counsellor, giving food to attendees at your religious organization, etc.
List your activity in your resume as:
Role/Title Start Month and Year - End Month and Year (or Current)
Club Name or Company Name, Location*
- List at least 3 accomplishments here, where each point talks about one skill you developed from this role.
*City and Province in Canada, or City and Country if it was outside of Canada