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Resume Guide


  • Use action words to start your statements to describe what you did, how you accomplished it with a result or learning. Click here for a list of resume action words
  • For current jobs, write statements in present tense and for past positions, write statements in past tense
  • List your work experience in reverse chronological order. The most recent at the top followed by the older ones
  • If you have volunteer, co-op or internship experience indicate it beside the position title
  • Add the start and end dates with the month and the year listed
  • Indicate the location of the company by stating the city and province and if it is from outside of Canada, list the city and country



Accomplishment statements provide evidence that you have the skills that match the job posting and not just the duties or tasks you completed. Use action words to start your statements to describe what you did, how you accomplished it with a result or learning. Consistent delivered high-quality customer service, connecting to all patrons to ensure continued customer loyalty.

  •  What special care do I take to ensure I do a good job?
  • When have I increased efficiency or demonstrated initiative?
  • When have I exceeded expectations for a project?
  • When have I made a difference at work or extracurricular activity? 
  • Have I received recognition or an award for a job well done?

screenshot of accomplishments from resume

screenshot of accomplishments section on resume