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Student COIL Libguide

Software & Technology

Developing your communication skills is a life-long process.

Effective communication skills are vital to developing successful professional relationships and collaborations. A COIL project will bring together students with diverse language knowledge and communication experiences. 

The collaborative software used during the COIL project will be pre-determined by the professors prior to the start of the COIL project. It is important that you follow your professors’ advice. Below, you will find a variety of communication and group work technologies that may support you in navigating intercultural communication.

Communication Technologies

In addition to commonly used social media apps, the following tools can be useful when collaborating online. Be sure to check in with your COIL partners to make sure that these tools are available in their country.  

WhatsApp: WhatsApp is a free messaging app that allows you to send text messages, videos, voice notes, and more, all with just a WiFi connection. WhatsApp is very popular for international communication. 

World Clock: Use the World Clock to find the best times for meetings with participants in different time zones. 

Discord: Discord is a group messaging software that can be used for global communication. Communicate with your COIL peers with videos, text, and voice chat using a Discord channel. 

Flipgrid: Flipgrid allows you to record and share videos, and easily organize them by topic.

Google Docs: Google Docs allow you to create and collaborate on online documents in real-time and from any device.

Zoom: Zoom can be used for group video conferencing. 

Educational Technologies

The communication resources and educational technologies provided here are only suggestions. There are a multitude of communication and educational technologies available for you and your COIL peers to connect and collaborate on. Remember: check-in with your team members to make sure you are being inclusive and using technologies that are most accessible and convenient for all team members.