Tutoring is available virtually and in-person! The Sheridan Tutoring Centre offer tons of learning support, including: math, writing, English conversation skills, study skills, and program-level support. We can help you own your academic success. Click here to book an appointment with a Sheridan tutor. You can also email tutoring@sheridancollege.ca to learn more about additional tutoring supports. See the types of tutoring resources below:
- Appointments & Drop-In Tutoring: Appointments are ½ hour to 1 hour in length or shorter drop-in sessions. Students may book up to 2 hours per week, per subject. Drop-in schedules vary by program. Click on your program to view the drop-in schedule: Architecture, Business Math, English/Writing, Applied Computing, MEET Math, and Trades Math. For program-specific drop-in schedules, please check your Learn Well class on Slate or login to TutorOcean.
- Course-Level Tutoring: One of your first-year courses may have an embedded tutor. If it does, the tutor will introduce themselves in the first week of class. If you’re unsure if your course has an embedded tutor, you can also ask your professor.
- Learn Well Virtual Communities: Each Sheridan program is assigned a Learn Well Virtual Community (VC), hosted in SLATE. All first-year students are automatically enrolled in the Learn Well VC for their program. Tutors provide program-specific academic support to first-year students within the VCs, including scheduling and hosting virtual drop-in "study hall" sessions throughout the term. Learn Well VCs provide an online space where first-year students can access important resources, ask questions, get information on Sheridan community events and opportunities, and receive program-level tutoring support from tutors.
- Academic Skills Hub: The Hub contains a series of modules and resources to help you learn everything you need to know about managing your time effectively, taking notes, developing a resilient mindset, and strategies for studying and test-taking.
- English Conversation Circles: Practice your English speaking skills in a safe, informal setting.