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Student COIL Libguide

Research & Writing

Research at Sheridan

Developing your research skills will allow you to ask insightful discussion questions, critically engage with thought-provoking readings, and understand how ideas connect to each other. There are many research support resources available to you including:

General Research Guide: This guide includes search tools, tips for finding sources, and databases.

Introduction to Open Access Guide: This guide includes information on what open access (OA) is, and how to publish OA. 

Citation Help (APA) Guide: This guide provides advice on getting started with APA citations. You can also play The Citation Game to practice your citation skills. 

Academic Integrity Office (AIO): Honesty is an important part of the college experience. Visit or email the Academic Integrity Office to ask questions about how to demonstrate academic integrity in your work. You can also visit the Academic Integrity Tutorial to learn about the different types of academic integrity breaches at Sheridan and ways to avoid them.


Academic & Reflective Writing

Academic writing is a formal style of writing that is mainly used in colleges, universities and scholarly sources. You will encounter academic writing in journal articles, books and blogs on academic topics, and you will be expected to write many of your college assignments in an academic style of writing. To learn more about the academic writing process, visit the Academic Writing Module.

Reflective writing is different from academic writing because it is more personal. Whereas academic writing values objectivity, reflective writing requires you to consider what you can learn from your personal experiences. Click here for tops tips for reflective practice and writing.