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Mindset Matters Module

Exercise, Sleep & Nutrition


Just 20 minutes of exercise can provide many positive benefits to you. Physical activity helps to improve self-confidence, reduces anxiety and increases resilience. The brain releases endorphins when we exercise which improves mood, energy levels and sleep (Sick Kids Staff, 2018). Regular exercise can help reduce stress and boost your immune system. Regular exercise does not mean you need to start running marathons 7 days a week. Start off with moderate exercise in short 5 or 10 minute sessions and slowly increase your time. According to Robinson, Segal and Smith (2019) moderate exercise is defined by: “breathing a little heavier than normal, but not out of breath and that your body feels warmer as you move, but not overheated or very sweaty”.  The more you exercise, the more energy you will have. The key is to commit yourself to moderate physical exercise routinely; finding your best time of day when you are most awake will help with making it a habit!


If you feel it is too difficult to squeeze exercise into the week try fitting it in to your weekends! “A recent study in the United Kingdom found that people who squeeze their exercise routines into one or two sessions during the weekend experience almost as many health benefits as those who work out more often” (Robinson, Segal, Smith, 2019).


As a Sheridan Bruin, you have free access to the Athletic Centre. Check out their website for more information about what they offer.


Smash Stress is also a fun initiative to get you moving. Email for more details.


Sleep impacts our physical and mental health. It is essential for everyday resilience but often people aren’t getting enough sleep every night. (Walker, 2017)


Visit Anxiety Canada's website for some tips on getting a good night’s sleep.



In order to be resilient, we must take care of our basic needs including eating a healthy diet (Mayo Clinic, 2017). To learn more about eating a healthy diet, check out the Canada's Food Guide online.