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Nursing Video on Demand is a collection of training videos for the nursing profession. It covers topics ranging from anatomy to examination skills. It also provides access to some of the Mosby's Nursing Skills video collection.
Nursing Video on Demand is now hosted on our Kanopy platform. Simply search nursing or Browse under the Nursing subject to find the videos. You can now share and embed videos much more easily.
Note: if you wish to change the size of the embedded video, you can do this using the options under the embed code before copying the code.
Yes. You can link to the video using the link provided (see instructions above).
Yes. Streaming in a classroom setting is permitted.
Operating Systems: Windows 7+, MAC 10.11+ (desktop only)
Browsers: Edge, Mozilla Firefox v.47, Chrome v.75, Safari v.75
Kanopy may still function with systems and browsers that are not listed, but it is recommended that you update to experience best functionally.
Additional features: